The Goddess of Time and the God of Space have been traveling around the universe to maintain the natural order of space and time since the beginning of the world. But they can't stop arguing. Not long ago, the
God of Space decided to go along, on his own to show how superior space is to time, for that he stole the four galactic hourglasses of the Goddess of Time, those that contain her powers.
Space and Time are two indissociable notions. And without the Goddess of Time, hourglasses are unusable and the God of Space fell into a timeless gap and he has lost all his powers.
The Goddess of Time has traveled through time to come to ValBerry, and you must help her get her powers back by finding the hourglasses.
Complete the spatial-temporal duet quest and equip the exclusive God of Space set before Tuesday to try and win the exclusive set of the Goddess of Time.
The Goddess of Time and God of Space sets were created by BamboO.