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#1 2012-05-05 00:34:00

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2008-12-03
Messages: 133

How to Submit Your RP for Approval:

How to Submit Your RP for Approval:

If you are interested in starting an RP on the Grasslands, welcome! The more the merrier. Please read the following carefully before submitting your RP for approval.

To Submit An RP:
1. Please read the Grasslands RP Rules located HERE. Note especially that you can not run more then 3 open/active RP's at once.

2. Send a FORUM private message to nyghtmoon with the details of your RP, via the forums. Remember that it has to be ponystar related and/or focused, although other creatures may show up in the course of the story they may not be central figures. If the moderators feel that it meets the requirement, we will message you back, granting you permission. Do NOT post prior to obtaining permission, and instructions from the moderator.

Only send ONE message and only to nyghtmoon! Make sure you include ALL information that you would normally put in your starting thread. Your rules for the RP, the plot premise, the character types needed, character info needed, etc. **See below for some help on what is needed in a proposal**   If you do not include the following required information, your application will be denied.

What is Expected in a RP Proposal:

You don't need to be a whiz at BBCode and fancy formatting to submit a proposal, but here's the basic info that we would like to see in a Proposal.

Title: Your RP needs a Title. Not just for the Mod's Records, but it needs to have something to help differentiate it from the others in the forum.

Rating: I need to see this on all proposals. You can find our general standards for rating below in section 5 and in the first post of the General Rules & Guidelines. Remember, this must be included in your Subject line when you post your approved RP.

POV You need to state whether your RP is going to be run in first or third person. First person is where youre character is seeing everything and responding as though YOU were the characer. Third person is where you are watching the characters interact with one another and posting as though you were watching them, NOT from their POINT OF VIEW.

Plot/Premise: This is where you tell me (and hopefully your future players) about your game, what the story is, what the goals of the roleplay are, who are the good guys, the bad guys and anything else you can think of.  Applications which do not have a plot, direction and goal are not detailed enough to be playable and will be automatically denied

Background Info/World Building: This is where you can put information about the various locations, species, breeds, cultures, etc that exist in your game if you like.

RP Rules: These are the rules you have for your individual game. Remember you must follow the general Acclaim Rules & the Grassland forum rules so things like no chatspeaks, minimum OOC, being respectful, etc are already in effect and sort of assumed, but you can feel free to list them as well if you want.

Character Types Open/Wanted/Needed: This is where you give players an idea of the sorts of characters they will be expected to play, any gifts or abilities that pertain to the roleplay, as well as listing any specific roles and types of characters you want/need filled for the game. Remember, the games are pony-centric, which means the main characters SHOULD be ponies. Other races/species should be secondary and part of your main character's application. No applicant may play a secondary character without also playing a pony.

Character Application: List what you want from your players for their characters. Things like name, age, looks, personality, powers, goals, relationships, etc. Remember, all pics should be LINKS.

Any Additonal Info/Notes: Any additional information you think a moderator should have for the proposal, any notes you may have, and/or when you post the RP, this could be easily converted to a place for news/announcements to your players, if you like.

I've included a handy block of code you can use as a basis to start your proposal off with, if you like. You are not limited to this format, but the basic information should all still be included.


[b]Title: [/b]
[b]POV or Third person[/b]
[b]Background Info/World Building: [/b]
[b]RP Rules:[/b]
[b]Character Types Open/Wanted/Needed[/b]:
[b]Character Application: [/b]
Special Abilities:
[b]Any Additional Info/Notes:[/b]

Note: Please try to run your proposal through a spell-checker and attempt to proof read it. Reading through blatant typos and mis-spellings is not appealing or easy.  If you can not manage to type the proposal out, then there are doubts about being able to run a successful RP.

3. Once you receive approval and have posted, be sure to message nyghtmoon back so they can post in the thread stating it has been approved.

4. Once you have approval you will need reserve a post strictly to keep a log of who is playing in the RP, what character and type.  Please use the code below to log each character you approve to play in your RP.


Character name:
Character breed/type:
Account name of Player:
Page character application can be found:

The RP will now be open for play.

If you make a post before submitting an application and receiving approval your thread will be locked.  You will get two warnings for breaking this rule. On your third warning, your RP will be locked and you will lose the privilege to star RP threads. This will be enforced harshly.

To Get An RP Unlocked/Re-opened:
If you posted before getting approval- Read and follow the above instructions to submit an application to host an RP, and include a link to the thread you have already started.  We will NOT go looking for your thread, so if you do not link us to it, it will not get re-opened, as you did not follow the rules in the first place. ;) Only the OP of the thread may petition to have a RP reopened. Do NOT post a second thread until you have followed the correct process for approval from a Grasslands Mod.
If the thread was locked because you are running more than three RPs- Make the hard choice and narrow it down to three. PM a Grasslands Mod via the forums with links to the three games you wish to have re-opened.

-If an RP is found without the Moderator approval post directly following the OP's first post, the RP will be immediately locked and the OP will be PM'd.  If an application has not been submitted you will need to submit an application before we will consider unlocking

-You will get two warnings for breaking this rule. On your third warning, your RP will be locked and you will lose the privilege to star RP threads. This will be enforced harshly.

My MOD voice is burgundy and enigmatic

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#2 2012-05-05 00:35:18

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2008-12-03
Messages: 133

Re: How to Submit Your RP for Approval:

Please do NOT post in this thread.  This thread is for instructional purposes ONLY.  Players who post in the thread will have their posts removed and may receive a warning for failing to follow a moderators instructions

Reserved for changes and updates

My MOD voice is burgundy and enigmatic

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