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#1 2012-05-28 17:31:38

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-11-30
Messages: 107

so wich is your new favorite breed in V2?

the ponies have changed so much i was just wondering which is the new favorite breed of must players?.

In V1 my favorites were air and water, here i like fire and water wich still holds as favorite, in third place i will say celestials, earth and air in 4th place, love and pegies in 5 and felines i did not care much for them in v1 (Edited for content.)

While everyone is entitled to their opinion, keep it civil, keep it constructive, or don't post. -mommy

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#2 2012-05-28 18:14:02

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2012-04-26
Messages: 714

Re: so wich is your new favorite breed in V2?

my favourite breeds are earth, air and celestial. It was earth and airs on v1

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#3 2012-05-28 20:21:36

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2012-02-29
Messages: 726
Site web

Re: so wich is your new favorite breed in V2?

Celestial, Earth, Air, Love, and I have a soft spot for the felines.
They've always looked rather scruffy to me so having them that way now is just fine.
I'm definitely not happy with the way fire and water look now...

Also, the Pegasus could do with some pretty-ing.

Dernière modification par felidaes (2012-06-06 03:11:05)

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#4 2012-05-28 21:25:16

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-12-03
Messages: 211

Re: so wich is your new favorite breed in V2?

My faves are Earth, Love, and...yeah that's it.
In V1 it was Earth, Love, peggy, celestial, air, and fire

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#5 2012-05-28 22:25:47

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-12-02
Messages: 537

Re: so wich is your new favorite breed in V2?

My favorite orders are:
V2: Love, Celestial, Pegasus, Feline, Air, Earth, Fire, Water
V1: Love, Water, Air, Fire, earth, Celestial, Pegasus, Feline

Almost a complete flip which I don't mind at all since now I can focus more on the breeds I haven't previously wanted to breed and don't have a lot of.

My mod voice is Turquoise, stone hard and mystical.

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#6 2012-05-29 02:02:18

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-05-01
Messages: 360

Re: so wich is your new favorite breed in V2?

my V1 favs were Pegasus, Feline and Celestial.

my V2 favorites are Love and Earth.

i will not unlock the "locked" ponys
on a totaly unrelated note: no, i will not stop with the puns!MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
~Only entering for gold. Not interacting with other players very often~

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#7 2012-05-29 05:02:31

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-12-02
Messages: 12

Re: so wich is your new favorite breed in V2?

Fires are still my favourite. The baby waters I think are so cute I would love to keep them that way! I'm not such a fan of when they grow up. Can I just say though that all the baby ponies are just adorable :3 So cute!
I do miss the Celestials' brightly coloured eggs of V1, now they're just grey :(

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#8 2012-05-30 04:05:09

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-11-30
Messages: 107

Re: so wich is your new favorite breed in V2?

yeah i also miss the eggs of the baby celestial, and its true babies are adorable, peggies are not between my favorites but baby pegies are soo cute i will keep them like that forever

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#9 2012-05-30 18:36:31

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2011-03-04
Messages: 148

Re: so wich is your new favorite breed in V2?

I like all of the newer ponies but i like best the air ponies in V1 and V2.
The follow:Earth, Pegasus, love, fire, water, celestial and then felines.

Came back, HUZZAH!

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#10 2012-05-30 20:56:58

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-08-05
Messages: 19

Re: so wich is your new favorite breed in V2?

V1 favorites were, earth and air, celestials and pegasus!

V2 favorites are earth and love!

Dernière modification par siberia101 (2012-05-30 20:58:43)

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#11 2012-05-31 12:42:01

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Namarien
Date d'inscription: 2011-12-10
Messages: 29
Site web

Re: so wich is your new favorite breed in V2?

In v1 my favorites was Love, Pegasus, water & celestial
Now in v2 my favorites is earth, fire & air...

We wil one day
Venture to the stars

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#12 2012-06-06 01:25:40

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2012-06-01
Messages: 56

Re: so wich is your new favorite breed in V2?

On V1 my favorites were Earth(I'll admit it, it is because they looked like My Little Pony) and Air followed by Fire, Love, And a tie for last place(I was too lazy to get the celestial/peg ponies) of Water and Feline.

I haven't decided on my favorites on V2 yet. I am finding a soft spot for the felines though. They look a little like Punk Ponies and I keep thinking their ear looks pierced.

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#13 2012-06-06 19:59:08

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-11-30
Messages: 61

Re: so wich is your new favorite breed in V2?

I really like the love and celestial ponies on V2, and I dislike the Water ponies, they just don't seem right.

On V1 I liked the Feline and Celestial ponies the most.

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#14 2012-06-07 00:05:49

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: USA & China
Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
Messages: 93
Site web

Re: so wich is your new favorite breed in V2?

Love and Feline.

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#15 2012-06-09 00:57:26

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: so wich is your new favorite breed in V2?

My new favourites here on V2 are Earth and Love. Celestials are okay, too. And I slowly get used to Air and Fire.

My favourite breeds in V1 were Fire and Love.

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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