Breeding Guide
by Nyghtmoon
Your game will start out in the Hamlet

Using the little guide you see in the bottom right corner, navigate to the Village and select the Alter of Love. I have labeled it in purple and put an indicator to show you where it is found. You will not see these on your screen.

Once you are in the Alter of Love you will want to select the gazebo to search for a partner

Next you will need to select the gender you are trying to breed. Your ponies will ALWAYS be on the left so this is where I put my mares even if I am breeding in herd.

If you are looking to breed a specific breed you also have the option of selecting it

Remember that Pegasus and Celestial ponies can NOT breed with Air, Earth, Love, Fire, Water or Feline ponies.
Now, if you want to breed in herd, you do not need to alter the selection on the right. However, if you wish to browse the stallion list OR a friends herd you may select either “ALL” of “Ponies of...” from the drop down at the top

If you are looking through a friends herd, simply begin typing in their name and you should be able to find them. You can select a breed the same as in your own herd.
Search by other options coming soon!
You will drag the image of the pony you wish to breed into the empty boxes and then select whether you are looking to breed or marry the ponies.

NOTE: The numbers in the little hearts are the number of times a pony can breed. These are NOT health points. There are NO health points in this version.[b]
You can view your pending request, both outgoing and incoming by selecting the mailbox

Outgoing Request

Incoming Request

Marriage Requests are viewed by selecting the book to the right

Viewing outgoing requests and Accepting Incoming requests is done the same way as breeding

Once your pony is pregnant you can view them in the Incubator Barn back in your Hamlet.

You can listed who the mare is, who the stallion is, how many days are left before the foal arrives and you have the option of using a Potion of Impatience by dragging it and dropping it on one of the mare.
[b]Remember Mares can only breed 20 times
Stallions can breed 30 times.
Please do NOT post in the FAQ threads. Questions belong in HELPING HANDS.