- ladyinieda
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-06-22
- Messages: 24
Is this game going away?
It's been about five months with no updates to the main page. Am I going to have to find another game to play? I don't like the Dolls stuff or I'd be over there. The Eredan game was amusing for a month but then it got old.
I'd just like to know if this game is abandoned or not so I can move on. Does anyone know?
- shinsengumi
fiche Eleveur
- Thread-Assassin

- Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
- Messages: 5912
- Site web
Re: Is this game going away?
Feerik takes care of more rentables games first before dealing with Poneyvallée again which earns nearly no money at all. They know they would have to improve it, maybe even set up a V3, but that takes lots of time and effort and therefore they want to make sure that the other games such as Eredan run smooth first. After the company was taken over by a new owner in February many things have to be settled out. So all we can do is wait.
I can't stand the Dollz either. I would never start playing there. Creepy faces...
"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci
- surrano
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: Székesfehérvár
- Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
- Messages: 159
- Site web
Re: Is this game going away?
Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle
- pangaloredana
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-01
- Messages: 38
Re: Is this game going away?
I'm coming here only to collect the daily coins,but I'm mostly playing another game.
- shinsengumi
fiche Eleveur
- Thread-Assassin

- Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
- Messages: 5912
- Site web
Re: Is this game going away?
You surely can do so, pangaloredana. But linking foreign games in Feerik forums is still forbidden and the rule will never change. ;-) I therefore deleted your signature.
@surrano: Why should they advertise for a game which needs to be improved so badly? They want to reach new players and be in the black again before having enough money to get more staff.
"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci
- ladyinieda
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-06-22
- Messages: 24
Re: Is this game going away?
Sigh. I would give half of my herd to see a different trait set on the main page. As long as I can pick which half. 
- phatcat28
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- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: Is this game going away?
Yea I was disappointed to see there was not a 2016 trait set.
- jennycurvas
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2014-02-25
- Messages: 30
Re: Is this game going away?
Hello, everyone! I've been playing this game for over 10 years now. It makes me really sad how abandoned it is! There used to be new updates every week or so, and now it's been months! Many people buy with actual money trait sets and potions, so I'm sure if the game was improved it'd be rentable. PV is the best poney game on the internet, but it's never been as good as it could be. I mean, graphics are cute and sets are super pretty, but there almost no games to play and it gets kinda expensive with little to no things to do to get feez (besides buying them with real money, of course). I'm sure it could get much better with a little effort. There's a little island on the map that says it'll be available soon. I've always wondered what was that going to be. I don't want to feel I'll never know! My herd is too cute to give up on them! I really hope this game gets updated soon!
- siberia101
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-08-05
- Messages: 19
Re: Is this game going away?
Hi, I haven't been on here in a long time! I miss my ponies, so once in a while I come on here, take care of my ponies and check the message boards. I can't believe how deserted this place is. I really miss how the game use to be before the change over! I miss how the ponies use to look! I miss breeding pures and glitches! I miss not having breeding limits on ponies! I wish they could change everything back the way it use to be, there use to be a lot of players back then. This game has become sad!
- surrano
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: Székesfehérvár
- Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
- Messages: 159
- Site web
Re: Is this game going away?
It is like a wasteland now and i guess that won't change very soon. All i use to do is care for my ponies, and geather gold. I use to do the card game sometimes to get those gold coins and participate in the beauty contest. But there is nothing really even for me now. I got bored breeding traits and there is no real goal to play for, just kiling time 
Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle
- taarendonk1
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2013-03-10
- Messages: 158
Re: Is this game going away?
I left couple of months ago hoping to see some improvement but nope, I'm not even sad I missed out on the advent calander
- gugi40
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2011-08-20
- Messages: 16
Re: Is this game going away?
It has been well over a year and a half since I last logged in and look how flipping sad this is now, nothing has changed and the developers have pretty much forgotten about it altogether.
Bring back Version 1 and I bet you would see hundreds if not thousands of people come back onto here. Especially if you advertise to Brony's...im sure you could get some sort of funding from them since they are a large group of colorful horse enthusiasts.
- mikazukichan
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-02-01
- Messages: 40
Re: Is this game going away?
This just makes me sad. I get an email from time to time reminding me that 'my ponies are missing me' and to come back. I miss them too. It's been years since I've been able to play and actually feel like it was worth playing here. I've been around since the time there was Pony Stars! (The American version.) I played through the shutdown of Pony Stars and started again on Poneyvallee. I was so excited for V2. I was sad to see the old pony types go, but I knew I would grow to love the new versions just as much! But.... I haven't. And it's not because they're not cute, because they are. It's because after the first couple of months..... there was literally nothing to do here. And it has stayed that way for YEARS! Nothing but expensive trait set after expensive trait set. And now not even that. The news section on the forum hasn't even been updated since the beginning of the year!
I read somewhere that the progress on this game stalled because the main artist that was working on it quit, and no one else knew how to go ahead with it. I think that was pretty bad planning on the company's part, but whatever. If that is truly the case, then please, please, please, please: create V3 and move on. This wasteland of a game that has so much potential is just too sad.
- shinsengumi
fiche Eleveur
- Thread-Assassin

- Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
- Messages: 5912
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Re: Is this game going away?
mikazukichan a écrit:I read somewhere that the progress on this game stalled because the main artist that was working on it quit, and no one else knew how to go ahead with it. I think that was pretty bad planning on the company's part, but whatever. If that is truly the case, then please, please, please, please: create V3 and move on. This wasteland of a game that has so much potential is just too sad.
Not only the artist who created the new design and ponies (WendyWee) left Feerik. All the other workers did as well. We have no Aymeric left, no BamboO, not even a Professor Stratus. They are all gone. And the company has no interest in putting effort into PV at all. I wait for the day the adress simply vanishs... We have to face the fact that it's over. The new boss didn't save a thing. He ruined the rest that was left by ignorance...
If you're paying money for OMD and Eredan, you support the company that ruined PV and don't give a not allowed. The company that will give a not allowed for Eredan and OMD sooner or later as well.
"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: Is this game going away?
Wow,Shinsengumi, that felt like a punch right in the face... The last update on the topic gave me hope for a (distant,but still) revival of the game and community. But...there's no chance for that after all...? Well... I'd better end this message right here 'cause the next part would be all cursing...
- suishou
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-02-21
- Messages: 70
Re: Is this game going away?
It's seemed for some time like the game has been abandoned. It hasn't been taken down, but if anything goes wrong with it I don't see it getting fixed. I appreciate Shinsengumi's honesty instead of empty promises and false hope. We've always been forbidden to talk about other games, but with the powers-that-be no longer caring about this game and the likelihood that it will eventually disappear, could the remaining players now share alternative gaming options with each other?
- surrano
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: Székesfehérvár
- Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
- Messages: 159
- Site web
Re: Is this game going away?
Kinda what i expected from the new owner. This game has so much possibility in it, so many options to be a very good game. Sad to see it going into oblivion 
Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: Is this game going away?
- shinsengumi
fiche Eleveur
- Thread-Assassin

- Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
- Messages: 5912
- Site web
Re: Is this game going away?
The former chiefs always asked us to remain silent about such problems... it wasn't any better after they messed everything up, but ah well... I have no idea if the new boss follows the rule of banning discussions about other games not created by Feerik as well. The moment I ask they'll surely advise us to keep track. But no one can blame you for discussing via PN at all - and I won't growl at you as long as there's no special thread containing the names of alternative games. You know... nothing clearly visible. :)
"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci
- midcityrider
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-01
- Messages: 24
Re: Is this game going away?
Sorry to hear this. I have suspected it for a while. Especially given that the game isn't on feerik's page. It is really disappointing to see confirmation that nothing will be done. This game could be a money maker again, but they have to put effort into it.
- shinsengumi
fiche Eleveur
- Thread-Assassin

- Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
- Messages: 5912
- Site web
Re: Is this game going away?
midcityrider, you're so right. But that again is the main problem... no effort. *sighs*
I really loved this game, it used to be so much fun back in the V1-days. The pastureland bugs me the most... I'd love to sell ponies wearing traits and I'd love to hunt ponies with traits. I'd love to exchange ponies with other players... but all this isn't possible anymore and the company used to blame the players for that due to some scriptusers. A very lame way of solving the problem and take away all the fun we had.
"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci
- midcityrider
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-01
- Messages: 24
Re: Is this game going away?
Ahh, the good old days... I started playing this game with my daughter when Ponystars first started and switched to ponyvallee when they closed. I loved it when they had special events- looking for pumpkins, reindeer and etc... New trait sets twice a week. Hmm. I think I may save a few images of my favorites in case the site goes down, but for now I'll just breed for misties. Chris
- shinsengumi
fiche Eleveur
- Thread-Assassin

- Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
- Messages: 5912
- Site web
Re: Is this game going away?
Poneyvallée has always been the original game. Feerik sold the rights to Acclaim, but when they had to switch to V2 and started working on it they stopped the contract, I think. At least it sounds reasonable. I remember Acclaim shutting down the game without giving the players any information. Also no nice behaviour...
"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci
- midcityrider
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-01
- Messages: 24
Re: Is this game going away?
Yes, I know PV was before Ponystars, we just started on Ponystars... The Disney company purchased Acclaim games and was sued because of Acclaim not handling underage children's information properly. Because they are in the U.S. they were prosecuted and fined big $. That is when Ponystars was closed. It was all very hush, hush. I'm noticing that the beauty contest doesn't seem to be working today- the results of last weeks contest don't show and no new "contestants" show to be voted on... My pony had been in the last 35 in last weeks contest and I hoped to see how he did, but there isn't anything there? Hope you are having a good week. Chris
- shinsengumi
fiche Eleveur
- Thread-Assassin

- Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
- Messages: 5912
- Site web
Re: Is this game going away?
Now that's a Acclaim-detail I wasn't aware of... until now. Thanks for sharing.
And blame the daylight-saving-time of the contest-bug. I don't know why we need that nasty clock change at all, I would gladly live without it. It'll be okay again next week.
My pony even made it into the final round and I saw it hat 133 votes before the contest ended but... dunno which place it made. I would've been curious...
"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci