I'm back, baby! I have checked some of our members; all of mine are here;
karolia: she might not make it, with my system of seeing if they've migrated or not, karolia hasn't migrated yet. Let's not lose hope!
blackbunny1001: She here! Hooray!
kitty132383: She's here, yayy!
puppydawn99: Migrated, Yipeee!
eilistraee: She's here!
jenjenni1980: Present!
superstardom: Eureka, she's here!
I'm sorry about the rest, but I sorta forgot the names. Either I don't remember them because they joined while I was mentally on vacation, or I remember them, but cant remember their name, or I remember them and their name, I just forgot all the numbers at the end of it. Numbers are hard for me. It took me forever to memorize kitty132383's numbers. I'm just sort of pathetic that way.
I hope I can either remember the rest or they show up, because if someone is missing, i'm not going to remember if they existed. I might if they somehow are important to me or stick out, but most of them I know, I just can't put my finger on their names. I think i'll be back in a bit with more names and results. Let's cross our fingers karolia will show up before it's too late! Let's also try and get some new recruits! All aboard! Try and reach other members that I simply can't remember! I can remember all of them, I just cant put my finger on the name. Like alienataris, I remember her, but was there numbers at the end? I just can't remember.
All aboard! Lets not leave anyone marooned at V1! Migration has come! All aboard!
Dernière modification par lovietuvie (2012-05-12 02:19:35)